NEIHR components

The Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR) Program is built on four phases over 16 years.

NEIHR Development Grants

The 2018 Development Grants provided support for proposal preparation activities, community personnel support, and travel support to attend gatherings of Indigenous communities, researchers, knowledge users, stakeholders, and/or partners. The expected development activities included a preliminary review of the literature, and other information sources, along with a local and/or regional assessment to determine readiness, priority areas of interest and capacity within the community to develop a full NEIHR application to CIHR. Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Holders were encouraged to play a lead role on the research team (e.g., Nominated Principal Knowledge User, co-investigator, etc.).

Please contact CIHR NEIHR to receive a copy of the NEIHR Strengthening Workshop Report that took place December 11-12, 2018.

Yukon NEIHR Centre Development Grant

This 2023 Development Grant will provide support for development activities, including community personnel support and travel support to attend gatherings of Indigenous communities, researchers, knowledge users, stakeholders, and/or partners, in preparation of a Yukon NEIHR Centre Operating Grant application. The expected development activities include a preliminary review of the literature, and other information sources, along with a local and/or regional assessment to determine readiness, priority areas of interest and capacity within the community to develop a Yukon NEIHR to join the existing NEIHR Program.

For more information about the NEIHR Program, please refer to the initial NEIHR Operating Grant (2019) and the recent NEIHR – Renewal (2023) funding opportunities.

For more information about the existing NEIHR Centres access the NEIHR Initiative CIHR webpage.

NEIHR Operating Grant

The purpose of the 2019 operating grants of the NEIHR Program, is to establish a national network of centres focused on capacity development, research and knowledge translation (KT) centred on First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. The network of centres provides supportive research environments for Indigenous health research driven by, and grounded in, Indigenous communities in Canada. It also ensures continued growth, broad regional development and national collaborations.

Collectively, the NEIHR centres form an interconnected and collaborative Indigenous-led NEIHR Consortium, including Indigenous communities, researchers, knowledge users, and other interested parties.

NEIHR Operating Grant Renewal

The NEIHR Program has set the foundation towards establishing a national network of centres focused on capacity development, research and Knowledge Sharing (KS) centred on First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. The purpose of this 2023 funding opportunity is to support the renewal of the nine (9) originally funded NEIHR Centres and the one (1) NEIHR National Coordinating Centre that received funds from the 2019 NEIHR operating grant competition. This renewal will enable the current NEIHR Centres to continue building on key achievements made in each of their regions and particular populations.

This funding opportunity will continue to encourage supportive research environments for Indigenous health research driven by and grounded in Indigenous communities in Canada through the NEIHR Centres. Indigenous communities are broadly defined as individuals, groups, organizations, and populations who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis) living and working anywhere in Canada.


New – CIHR held a webinar on September 13, 2023, to provide interested applicants with the opportunity to address questions regarding the request for applications to the Yukon NEIHR Centre development grant.

CIHR held a webinar on January 17, 2019, to provide applicants with the opportunity to address any outstanding questions regarding the Request for Applications for the 2019 NEIHR operating grants.

Please send an email to to get a copy of the presentations or the Questions and answers.

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