Inflammation in Chronic Disease

Phase 1

In recognition of the key role that inflammation plays in multiple chronic diseases, CIHR launched the Inflammation in Chronic Disease initiative aimed at understanding commonalities and differences between these chronic diseases with respect to the role that inflammation plays in their development, progression and complications. The vision of CIHR's Inflammation in Chronic Disease initiative, which was developed at the 2011 Inflammation in Chronic Disease Consensus Conference, was to establish new interdisciplinary teams that bring together groups of researchers who could undertake innovative research in the field of chronic inflammation. The Inflammation in Chronic Disease initiative also encompasses two other CIHR research initiatives, the Canadian Microbiome Initiative and the Transplantation Research Initiative.

Phase 2

Building on previous investments, CIHR has now launched the Health Challenges in Chronic Inflammation – Phase 2 (HCCI2) initiative.


The information is provided in the language in which it was submitted by the researcher.

Team Grant: Preparation to Trial: Inflammation for Chronic Conditions

Name Institution Project title
Levings, Megan K
Dijke, Ilona E
West, Lori J
University of British Columbia Allogeneic thymus-derived Tregs to prevent chronic inflammation in transplantation  
Muruve, Daniel
A Kubes, Paul
Senger, Donna L
University of Calgary Therapeutic Targeting a Shared Inflammation Pathway in the Lung and Kidney
Rayner, Katey Ottawa Heart Institute Research Corporation (Ontario) Targeting RIPK1 in Immunometabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases (TRIC)
Schultz, Kirk R University of British Columbia Regulatory Natural Killer Cell Treatment in Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease and Solid Organ Transplantation Chronic Rejection
Swardfager, Walter L
Lanctôt, Krista L
Sunnybrook Research Institute (Toronto, Ontario) Pro-Resolving Inflammatory Mediators in Neurovascular Gains in Aerobic Training (PRIMiNG-AT)

Team Grant: Preparation to Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions - CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Initiative

Name Institution Project title
Costiniuk, Cecilia T
Di Marzo, Vincenzo
Jenabian, Mohammad-Ali
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre Role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in HIV-associated chronic inflammation and comorbidities
Mckinnon, Lyle R
Arsenio, Janilyn
Murooka, Thomas T
University of Manitoba Subsets of subsets: investigating Th17 pathways in inflammatory bowel disease and HIV

Team Grant: Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions

Name Institution Project title
Levings, Megan K
Schultz, Kirk R
Ahmad, Imran
Dijke, Ilona E
Hay, Kevin A
Lad, Deepesh P
West, Lori J
University of British Columbia Allogeneic regulatory T cell therapy to prevent graft versus host disease
James, Matthew T
Levin, Adeera Pannu, Neesh I
University of Calgary Prevention of Nephrotoxin-induced Acute Kidney Injury with Cilastatin (PONTIAC) Trial
Katsanos, Aristeidis
Shoamanesh, Ashkan
McMaster University Colchicine for the prevention of vascular events after an acute intracerebral hemorrhage (CoVasc-ICH)

Team Grants: Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions – CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Initiative

Name Institution Project title
Durand, Madeleine
Margolese, Shari L
Finzi, Andrés
Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM) The RESTART Trial: Reducing Systemic inflammation for people on AntiRetroviral Therapy

Team Grants: Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions – Knowledge Mobilization Hub

Name Institution Project title
Gongal, Patricia
Levings, Megan K
West, Lori J
University of Alberta A Knowledge Mobilization Hub for the Canadian Inflammation Research Community

Contact information

Telephone: 613-954-1968
Toll Free: 1-888-603-4178

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